Jam Tomorrow
A bit later than I intended, but a few quick thoughts on the rest of HJ - for what it's worth.
One of the downsides of getting out of the audience and onto the stage is that I end up missing some great music. After I finished, I broke down straight into the car, and took it away so I wouldn't have to drive again. The rain decided to hurl down on the way back. I didn't mind. Then I was still too hyped to sit still in the auditorium and so I missed the whole of the F&S set which by all accounts was (unsurprisingly) a stormer.
For the Volt set, things weren't much more organised. We went out for some food during the break and they'd started before we got back. We listened from the foyer, and it gradually dawned on me that it was becoming rather good.
Finally, Redshift. I made sure I was in a seat for this one. It was a slightly darker, weirder Redshift this time. Sequences were mangled by a pitch shifter, some really great moody atmospheres. And of course, that Moog power. It's always a delight and a mystery how Mark manages to coax sounds of such clarity and energy from the beast. It's not as easy as it looks...
And I drank some beer. And ate some curry. And lo; it was good.
One of the downsides of getting out of the audience and onto the stage is that I end up missing some great music. After I finished, I broke down straight into the car, and took it away so I wouldn't have to drive again. The rain decided to hurl down on the way back. I didn't mind. Then I was still too hyped to sit still in the auditorium and so I missed the whole of the F&S set which by all accounts was (unsurprisingly) a stormer.
For the Volt set, things weren't much more organised. We went out for some food during the break and they'd started before we got back. We listened from the foyer, and it gradually dawned on me that it was becoming rather good.
Finally, Redshift. I made sure I was in a seat for this one. It was a slightly darker, weirder Redshift this time. Sequences were mangled by a pitch shifter, some really great moody atmospheres. And of course, that Moog power. It's always a delight and a mystery how Mark manages to coax sounds of such clarity and energy from the beast. It's not as easy as it looks...
And I drank some beer. And ate some curry. And lo; it was good.