Monday, November 02, 2009

It Lives!

Susbarbatus was launched at Hampshire Jam on Saturday, if launched is not overstating plopping it onto the SMD stall. Initial reactions seem pretty positive. Dave took some more stock so for now SMD is the only place to get a copy. I will start making contact with the other distributors soon.

Here's a potted description, although if you've read the other postings here some of this will be familiar:

My original idea was to work on the material performed at HJ5 and quickly release an album that would be more or less a new improved version of the Bohunt CDR. This didn't go to plan, not least because it wasn't meant to take three years! Susbarbatus does have a couple of tracks that are based on that material, but in significantly more polished form. There's also a live track from HJ. The remainder of the album is brand new material.

The backbone of the album is made up of heavily sequencer driven tracks (no surprise there then). They are more structured and melodic than my work with AirSculpture but I've tried to retain the same kind of energy. There's also a track of deep-space ambience for a change of pace. The closing track is all sequencer, but in a way that evokes Steve Reich more than the Berlin School (or maybe just Love on a Real Train!).

I don't have any immediate plans to make this available as a download.


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