Delayed Gratification
The Edirol saga dragged on, and on. Eventually, I had to give up and cancel the order and nip out and buy it from Andertons in Guildford. There wasn't much difference in price, so I should have gone there in the first place. Still, it was was worth the wait - the tiny keyboard fits nicely into a suitcase and is remarkably playable. I've now taken it to LA on business, to La Gomera for the Ricochet gathering, and to Madiera on vacation. A very useful little device.
The sequencer modules are here and temporarily screwed in place, but I still haven't got round to cabling everything up internally. I guess that must be top of the todo list... But the studio is feeling more comfortable, and is actually plumbed in so that it actually makes sounds. A good feature for a studio to have, I think.